harapan fian's cases

The new year always brings joy and new spirits to us. Harapan Fian are very optimistic to welcome the year of 2020. But we never forget what it happened in the year of 2019. We passed our first year with a struggle to make the organization settle and maintain our relationship with urban poor people well. Harapan Fian able to take a position in the urban poor people community very well. We have an increase of members for 20 people of the total 90 people. It makes us believe that Harapan Fian working for the best benefit of urban poor people and give direct impact for them.

We are focusing on 4 issues, identity, altervative’s economy, sexual and reproductive health rights and education. Below is the statistic of the case that Harapan Fian handled in 2018-2019:  

  • Unplanned Pregnancy (UP) is a common case in Harapan Fian. The case increase from 2018 to 2019.
  • Harapan Fian run Pregnancy Assistance (PA)’s program. In 2019 the case was decrease. 
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) is one of the priority issues. We have 2 programs, education and assistance program. Harapan Fian assists some case of Sexual Transmitted Infections (STI).
  • Some teenagers get contraception assistance (CA) such as IUD to control their reproductive system.
  • There is one HIV positive people occur in 2019.
  • Harapan Fian concern with domestic violence (DV). We assisted 2 cases in 2019.
  • Harapan Fian assist children who need to go to the clinic. There are 7 cases increased from 2018-2019. Harapan Fian prepare health security for them so they do not have to pay at the clinic.
  • Harapan Fian assure that all babies get vaccines. The assistance increased into 10 cases in 2019.
  • Harapan Fian succeed to assist teenager and babies to get identity. Unfortunately, there is still some teenagers who struggle to get it. 
  • Formal education’s program is a challenge for HF. One children quit from our program cause domestic problems.

There are good and bad moments happen in life. Harapan Fian believe life would be more beautiful if we can share with others. Thank you for supporting us to support urban poor people. 

Happy new year 2020!