We have special guess in the end of 2019! Harapan Fian collaborated with Muhammadiyah Medical Students Activities (MMSA) UMY to organize a discussion for teenager in street situations on December 19, 2019. The Discussion titled “Avoid HIV, Get VCT”. VCT means Voluntarily Counseling Test, one of the methods to get HIV Status.   

Amalia Mufid Fadhila is a student who led the main discussion. There were 15 people teenagers participated in the discussion. We talked about reproductive health such as human vagina anatomy, human penis anatomy, hygiene, reproductive health, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and others. 

After that, students asked them to play a game. We called “Tebak Kata” or a guessing game. The participants guessed what their friends talked such as a word about the reproductive health issue. 

Before discussion sections were closed, Amalia said that you can improve your health by eating nutritious foods and do not forget to get STIs and HIV test.