Letter from Internship Student

By Vanessa Heggie As a development student having the pleasure of interning with Harapan Fian over the past month, I am proud to say that I have learnt a lot from this experience. During this…

Riki’s Story: A Journey with Leprosy

We first met Riki in 2013, when he was just 13 years old. Living on the street since he was 7 years old, with no knowledge of who his parents were nor documentation to prove…

Sintia’s Story

I met Sintia since 2016. We know each other but not very close. At that time, Sintia only had one child named Maria. She lives with her father in a scavenger settlement in the eastern…

Fundraising for SRHR Camping for Street Teens

Hello everyone! We are running a fundraiser for our most recent project “SRHR Camping for Street Teens”. This intends to educate and raise awareness around topics such as sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) and sexual…

Where have all the street girls gone?

By Caroline Duncan  24th January 2022  Yogyakarta, Indonesia has a proliferation of young people who inhabit the streets, often seen as anarchists who are the token of Indonesian family structures and values gone awry (Beazly…